Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A Juggler

Life, eh! I wanted to become a proper blogger...writing about this and that on a daily basis,ok,weekly. But life as we all know, ain't all about our dreams. It's also about the practicalities of life and the society we live in. So I found out that with work, school, family, sometimes it takes weeks, months, even years to blog. And when I log in, I cant remember my password. For now, I will try and blog whenever I can (true confessions of a juggler).

It's all about time management, isn't it?

So, for my dear readers who happen to find themselves here, reading my irregular write-ups,wondering whether to hang on and read more...please hang on!!!

Once I get this potty training done and over with, I'll get right back at ya!
Have a great day.