A soap which combines drama, betrayal, romance, deception, success and the list goes on...
One of the main characters Philip Ade-Williams (Gideon Okeke) "traveled to Ghana for filming" and has been away for so many months (African Channel Sky 199). I couldn't tell whether he had left the show for good...
The show (in my own opinion) hasn't been quite as solid (good) as it used to be with standard story lines and with the absence of some of my favorites - Philip, Telema Duke and Angela Deide. So, one can only imagine the shock and happiness that overwhelmed me when Philip stumbled back into his house and caught Kwame and a friend in his house (drama of course!).
Gideon Okeke as Tinsel's Philip Ade-Williams |
Now, I can sit back and watch the other episodes as they unfold...
#Ilovetinsels #Tinselsisafamilydrama